Members of the National Guard help out on inauguration day.

Walking from the Metro to the National Mall for the swearing-in ceremony and inaugural address.

The District Department of Transportation provided a bike corral.

Capital Bikeshare provided extra bike parking for the inauguration.

Vendors were selling just about everything Obama.

Copies of the Washington Post.

If you can't get the real thing, why not a picture with the cardboard version?

Making art out of used coffee cups.

Thousands gathered in the non-ticked area of the National Mall on the Washington Monument grounds to witness history.

America is a free country. Even for this guy.

The crowd gathers on the Washington Monument grounds.

Audio and visual issues with the jumbotron video screen didn't dampen the spirits of those gathered for the inauguration.

The future of the United States of America.

Watching the parade route from the roof of the Treasury building.

Heading home after a long day.

Waiting for the president's motorcade to pass K Street on its way to the convention center for the Commander-in-Chief Ball.

45,000 people all heading to the convention center at the same time.

Obama Inauguration 2013
Selected photos from the second inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 21st, 2013 in Washington, D.C. USA.
Obama Inauguration 2013
Selected photos from the second inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 21st, 2013 in Washington, D.C. USA.